YOU Are Your #1 Sales Person

Shawn Casemore • No Comment
Posted: December 24, 2014

Who is the #1 sales person in your business?

Whether you own, operate or manage a business regardless of it’s size, you are your #1 sales person. This week I wanted to share with you some ideas on how you can stay involved with marketing and sales to ensure continued growth and success of your business.

I’m constantly surprised at how many business owners and entrepreneurs seem to release themselves of the responsibility for sales.

This seems to evolve from 3 separate circumstances:

  1. The business has acquired a sufficient base of repeat customers that yields acceptable revenue.
  1. Employees have been put into the role of Marketing and Sales.
  1. Sales are directed through a distributor or dealer network, reducing pressure to sell direct

I want to pause for a moment and have you think about something…

Without sales, your company would not exist. So then doesn’t this mean, that as the business owner you are (and always will be) the number one sales person for your business?

If you’ve ever seen the TV show Shark Tank you might have noticed that despite the dozens if not hundreds of businesses that the venture capitalists are involved in, they take every opportunity to plug, promote and sell any products or services they are vested in. They realize that they are, and always will be, the #1 sales person for their company – or companies as it were.

In today’s day in age it’s not enough to sit back and leave this responsibility to someone else – in fact it’s simply ludicrous.

I’m not suggesting you need to get out on the road to visit customers, although it would be helpful – but you can not pull back from marketing and sales and expect to see continued and sustained growth. Besides – who better to speak to the value of your products and services.

Stay involved with the marketing and sales of your company:

  1. Be involved with new customer or client discussions, and those of long-term or high value customers
  2. Always take time to greet and interact with customers who visit your facility – make it a priority.
  3. Make customer or client calls yourself on a frequent basis.
  4. Maintain a pulse on the sales numbers – what is happening, what opportunities exist, how might you help.

If you are a business owner or entrepreneur you will always be in sales…that is, if you are to sustain and be successful.

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© Shawn Casemore 2014. All rights reserved.

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