Is Your Business Strategy Agile Enough?

Shawn Casemore • No Comment
Posted: August 31, 2015

It should come as no surprise that most organizational strategies fail to achieve the vision they are designed to support. Of course there are multiple reasons why this is the case including under capitalization, insufficient capacity, misaligned leadership, and the list goes on…

However, the reality is that although these are all contributors to a failed business strategy, the single most prominent reason is due to a desire or inability to take swift and graceful actions towards its attainment. Put another way, a lack of agility is the single greatest detriment to organizations in their pursuit of a vision.

[Tweet “Lack of agility is the single greatest detriment to organizations in their pursuit of a vision.”]

That being said, how can you increase the agility within your organization?

In this brief video you’ll hear:

  • How my clients have maximized their speed and capability to deliver on their objectives and achieve their vision.
  • What the “steam roller effect” is and how it can prevent you from reaching your objectives.
  • The difference between an agile business strategy and one poured in concrete.
  • How to assess your current strategy to ensure that you obtain your objectives, regardless of the unexpected changes that have occurred in your business.

What shifts in your business are necessary to increase your ability to be swift and graceful?

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