About Shawn.

You’re reviewing the monthly sales numbers. Another record month is in the books, with sales exceeding your monthly targets yet again. The sales pipeline is full of qualified ideal customers, who seem to be lining up to buy. On top of this, your sales team has never seemed more excited about the opportunities that lie ahead.

Sound like a dream?

A consistent flow of Unstoppable Sales SM that almost close themselves, unhindered by competition, or market conditions, and ready to pay whatever price you set. All of this achieved by a sales team that operates like a well-oiled machine.

In sales, the reality for many companies is that things aren’t this easy. Finding and connecting with ideal prospects, converting those prospects to enthusiastic customers, and attracting and retaining skilled salespeople are all daily, if not hourly struggles.

Building a healthy pipeline, and achieving a steady, uninterrupted flow of new sales despite these everyday challenges might seem impossible. One-month sales are up; the next, you’re struggling to keep the doors open.

I get it. I’ve sold everything from cars to memberships; capital equipment to company sponsorships; and from metal brackets to professional services. I’ve also led and grown multiple companies, and know the struggles in finding new sales, building capacity, hiring great team members, and meeting ever-changing customer demands. It isn’t easy, and not for the faint of heart.

Achieving Unstoppable Sales SM and building a high-performing sales team is not easy, but it is possible, and something that I help organizations achieve every day.

Why do I do what I do

I’m on a mission to help executives and sales leaders rid themselves of the stress of unpredictable sales and introduce what I refer to as Unstoppable Selling SM in their companies. That might seem like a tall order of business, but it’s the mission I’m on.

If this is something you’d like to achieve, there are several options:

  1. You can read my blog, where I publish new strategies every month.
  2. For a more intimate experience, you can join my Thursday Thrive community, receiving sales tips directly to your inbox every Thursday. Join by entering your best email here.
  3. Alternatively, if you’d like my help directly, click here, or you can use the button at the bottom of this page to schedule a call. If you’re serious about accelerating your sales, this is a journey you won’t want to miss.

Meet Shawn

Shawn’s experience in sales began at the age of 11 when he began selling his lawncare services door-to-door. By the age of 14 he began his first job at a local grocery store, learning how to build and nurture strong customer relationships. Today Shawn helps companies worldwide introduce what he calls Unstoppable Sales SM.

As a professional speaker, consultant, advisor, and the author of five books, Shawn has traveled the globe working with organizations such as PepsiCo, Bosch, Tim Hortons, Draegar, KalTire, Enex Energy, Atlantic Packaging, just to name a few.

Shawn frequently delivers keynotes at large conferences as well as annual sales meetings on topics related to selling in today’s economy.

He frequently writes for publications such as Forbes, Fast Company, Entrepreneur, and dozens of other online and print publications on how to accelerate sales results.

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