Strategy to Outcomes: Achieve your vision

Shawn Casemore • No Comment
Posted: September 15, 2014

I’ve found throughout the years that behind every successful business there exists a very clear vision; a powerful strategy; and intense, multifaceted and meaningful actions that support achieving the vision.

This approach is not discriminative of business size, region or sector. This formula to success simply requires clarity around the future; frequent consideration of how market dynamics influence the future; and constant action towards its attainment.

In this brief video I introduce several powerful ideas to help you get the most from your strategy, formulating a working plan that the entire organization (again, regardless of size) can visualize, support and act upon.

Now contrast this formula against the strategies of most businesses today and you will often find quite the opposite (if the strategy even exists).

Questions: Is your vision still valid based on the dynamics of your market? Have you created working action plans that are reviewed on a frequent basis, creating clear measures towards success?

© Shawn Casemore 2014. All rights reserved.

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