Is Your Organization Dynamic or Static?

Shawn Casemore • No Comment
Posted: September 21, 2015

I met with the CEO of a manufacturing association several weeks ago and our discussions turned to whether the association and it’s board had a strategy in place. When I mentioned the topic the CEO laughed suggesting that one of the most prominent members on the board was “dead set” against a strategy. When I asked why he mentioned that the CEO said that he had done a strategy once, but it was a waste of time.

Frequently, I encounter an executive or CEO that believes developing a strategy is a waste of time. Interestingly these are often also the same CEOs that encounter a lack of alignment across their senior management team; an inability to grow the company sustainably and profitably; and poor morale and productivity with their employees.

The problem is that in every instance I’ve found that the challenge is in the perception of what a strategy is and what it isn’t.

A strategy is dynamic.

Put another way, a strategy isn’t a one-time document that is forever locked in time, immobile to the forces, influences and opportunities that may present themselves. Instead a strategy is a guiding document, a roadmap meant to inform the future of the organization.

Is your strategy dynamic?

Relative to your own corporate strategy, consider the following questions to determine the extent to which dynamism exists:

1. Are you and your team flexible and adaptable to change? When a new opportunity or obstacle presents itself, if your default mindset “how will this influence our strategy?”

2. How frequently are you reviewing your strategic objectives with your team?

3. What happens when actions and plans aren’t delivered on time? Are you and your team accountable?

4. How are your employees engaged in contributing to and supporting the progress of your strategy?

5. How frequently do you communicate progress with your employees? Do you create a dialogue around the future direction and key objectives for the company?

Don’t consider your strategy as a one time investment of resources and energy, instead accept and adopt it as a tool to direct future actions and decisions. Your strategy must be dynamic if it is ever going to be effective.

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Seeking more examples of how to create a dynamic strategy? In my book “Operational Empowerment: Collaborate, Innovate and Engage to Beat the Competition” I present several additional strategies on how to ensure your strategy is successful and powerful. You can grab a copy now by clicking here.

© Shawn Casemore 2015. All rights reserved.

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