Are Google Ads Worth It? [In 2025]

Shawn Casemore • No Comment
Posted: October 8, 2020

Are Google ads worth it? Are spending fistfuls of cash in hopes of catching someone’s eye a wise decision?

I’ll let you decide.

But first, let me tell you about a situation with a client.

They were spending thousands on Google Ads, and not seeing much for results.

Is that the Google Ads fault? Maybe it’s the person who is creating the ads.

Why Invest in Google Ads?

They had previously been signed up with a digital agency that was charging astronomical fees to manage their ads.

The results were mediocre at best.

When we looked closely at their actual spend on the Google Ads themselves, it wasn’t so ridiculous.

And, although they were still spending quite a bit, they were actually getting some leads.

In fact, I can point to several other businesses I know of that invest in Google Ads and see results.

You might ask, then, is spending money on Google Ads really worth it?

It depends.

Do Google Ads Make Sense?

Google Ads are a short game.

Investing in ads, and a service to manage those ads, only makes sense if your customers are looking for you on Google.

You might think, well, don’t we look for everything on Google?

To an extent.

But if you were a local restaurant, would it make sense to run ads to draw a local crowd, or would your time and effort be better spent elsewhere?

I’d vote for the latter.

You’d do better to have your Google Search page up to date, and have a website with your menu updated and an active Facebook page.

Running ads to attract local traffic doesn’t make a lot of sense in my mind.

That isn’t to say you shouldn’t test it.

As you know, I’m a big fan of testing to prove a theory.

But I’d try to do no or low-cost updates first.

To give you an idea, a solid Google Ads campaign can run anywhere from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars every month.

So when should you use Google Ads?

Primarily if you are trying to attract a broader audience.

Let’s say, similar to the client I mentioned earlier, that you are selling nationally or even internationally.

If your customers are searching for you on Google, and you have plenty of competition, then investing in Google Ads will ensure you get near the top of search results.

It is pay-to-play, though.

If you have plenty of competitors who have deep pockets, your investment in Google Ads will increase in order to make it to the top.

If you don’t have the funds or want to invest in Google Ads, then SEO is your best bet.

Unfortunately, however, SEO is a long game.

Finding keywords that you can rank for, writing and publishing content that contains them, and then seeing the direct results in search traffic can take YEARS.

My preference is to play a short and long game.

If by using the strategy above, you determine that being at the top of Google makes sense, then by all means invest in some ads and do some testing.

You should also update your website with proper SEO and begin a content strategy that will drive leads over the long term.

There’s an underlying message here.

You should make sure your customers can find you online.

Google Ads is just one way of doing this.

Determine, based on the customers you are trying to reach, what your short and long game should be.

Then execute.

If you need help finding some cost-effective solutions for developing or launching the ads, connect with freelancers on Upwork or Fiver. They are typically more cost-effective than hiring an agency.

Then, sit back and watch the leads roll in!

Thursday Thrive Opt-In

© Shawn Casemore 2020. All Rights Reserved.

Are Google Ads worth it?

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