Being Busy Doesn’t Result in More Sales [Do This Instead!]

Shawn Casemore • No Comment
Posted: December 13, 2019

I’m going to burst your bubble here…

When it comes to sales, being busy doesn’t result in more sales.
Still with me?

Look, many of the entrepreneurs and small business owners that I work with have every intention of growing their business by consistently and steadily increasing their sales.

Unfortunately, however, they often get caught up in the trap of “busywork” getting in the way.

They haven’t figured out that being busy doesn’t result in more sales.

The “Busywork” Trap

being busy doesn't result in more sales
You know what I mean by busywork, right?

Sending emails, doing book work, filling out paperwork, and answering the phone.

All of the things that entrepreneurs and business owners started out doing in the early days of their business, and still do today.


Because they can’t trust someone else to do it as well as they can (or they can’t find someone else to do it as well as they can).

Does This Sound Familiar?

Busy work is a death trap when it comes to trying to increase your sales.

With any new sales initiative or launch, busy work tends to creep in and distract the best of us.

How Can You Avoid Busywork?

Set a plan in your calendar every week to focus on NEW sales.

This means putting in the work to find and connect with potential customers.

Furthermore, planning time and focusing are crucial to making anything happen in a reasonable amount of time.

How do I know?

Well, I’ve helped multiple companies sell into new territories and even new countries.

It’s all the result of a focused, specific action.

Besides, it’s pretty hard to be distracted by busy work when you are in another country with a calendar full of appointments.

Here is the Approach I Use and Help My Coaching Clients and Their Teams Use:

1. Identify your sales growth targets in revenue.

2. Determine how many customers, using your current average sales revenue per customer, that this will take.

3. Pinpoint locations where customers you haven’t yet connected with exist.  Sometimes existing customers can provide this information, or you may have some intel from previous research.

4. Create a list of contacts and plan a visit to their area (I don’t recommend starting online, but rather in person, if at all possible).

5. Reach out to the contacts, suggesting the date upon which you will be in their area, and that you’d like to stop by for 20 minutes.

6. Follow through with what you committed to.

7. Follow up with customers after the meeting to discuss opportunities.

8. More. Sales.

It really is that simple.

Interesting, for instance, is that the farther you travel to meet new potential customers, the more open they’ll often be to meeting with you.

Above all, react to busy work, but plan dedicated time to increase your sales.

So, anything less will take you in the opposite direction from the one that you desire.

Thursday Thrive Newsletter


© Shawn Casemore 2019. All Rights Reserved.

being busy doesn't result in more sales

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