Capitalize on Customer Value

Shawn Casemore • No Comment
Posted: October 17, 2014

I wrote in a previous post I discussed how I have helped many of my clients uncover the value their products or services offer their customer in order to build a strategy to fortify business growth. You can read the post here.

Since I created the post I’ve had numerous requests for the list of questions we use during our customer value assessments. As a result I thought I would post the most valuable questions here, in hopes that you can apply and reflect upon them as it relates to your business.

Uncovering Customer Value

1. What needs do your products or services satisfy for your customers today?

2. What needs might your products or services satisfy in the future (based on customers predictions of where there business is heading)?

3. How have your products further supported your customers customers?

4. Specifically what are the benefits your products or services provide?

5. If there were further improvements or changes to your products or services, what would your customers prefer they be?

6. Are there ways in which your products or services are being used that were not originally envisioned or intended?

7. Who are the most helpful or value customer service representatives or sales agents that your customer has today (based on customer feedback)?

8. What is it that your best customer service representatives or sales agents do that your customers value?

9. Is the speed and form with which your products or services satisfactory? How can they be further improved?

10. How have your products or services helped to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and/or profitability of your customers businesses?

With the answer’s to these questions in hand, you are now positioned to formulate a more valuable customer service interaction, built not on indirect feedback or perceived needs, but actual customer feedback. The deeper you can integrate changes to support this feedback, the greater opportunity you have to build a business your customers value.

Question: How will you capitalize on customer feedback to build a more profitable and sustainable business?

Additional Resources

You can watch a video on increasing customer value for profitable growth here.

For a more robust approach to capitalizing on customer value, click here and I will send you a copy of my latest e-book “Build a Business Your Customers Value.”

© Shawn Casemore 2014. All rights reserved.

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