Changing Our Perceptions of Change

Shawn Casemore • No Comment
Posted: August 28, 2013

Each and every one of us is surrounded by change, influenced heavily by evolving technology and our underlying desire to have what we want, when we want it. In fact, adapting to change is one of the most challenging aspects of managing our lives to achieve desired outcomes.

A recent coaching client brought to my attention that there were a few key points during a recent session that really hit home for them. Based on our discussion I thought I would share these with you in hopes you find them helpful as well.


Let Go To Grow

We learn at a young age (often when we go to school for the first time or meet new friends) that despite the potential pain associated with change, in order to grow and expand our network of friends and opportunities we need to let go of past practices, habits and behaviors, replacing them with new actions or activities. Studies have shown however that as we age, we gradually return to desiring minimal change and seeking stability. We need to recognize that in order to grow as individuals that we have to continuously let go to grow.


Time is finite

If we come to the true realization that time is finite, then our desire to pursue new activities, attain new knowledge or invest ourselves in new experiences becomes a greater priority. Time in fact is a priority not a resource, and once we find a means to keep this realization at the forefront of our attention, then we approach change with a different perspective.


Watch for my next post where I will touch on a couple of additional points that my client stated were game changers for them.

Until then…

© Shawn Casemore 2013. All rights reserved.


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