Differentiate to Dominate

Shawn Casemore • 4 Comment
Posted: June 18, 2013

If you have flown frequently then you have likely experienced a wide variety of service levels between carriers (heck, even within the same airline). During a recent flight to Ottawa Canada I flew Porter Airlines, a regional carrier with a much smaller fleet than their competition. From a customer perspective the experience was significantly different than that of flying larger carriers, for example:

1. The captain made all greetings and important announcements. All other communications to the passengers were made by a prerecorded message, thereby reducing interruptions and creating a more consistent message.

2. Flight attendants were very cordial with everyone on the flight, despite some disgruntled passengers. In one instance a gentleman refused to stay seated, continuing to search for a better seat. The attendants explained very patiently that his moving without advising them in advance caused a safety concern relative to balancing the weight of the plane. Not so sure this was true, but the word safety grabbed the passenger’s attention.

3. Snacks and drinks were included in your ticket price. Selection was limited, but there was no extra charges for any amenities.

In addition, there were no charges for overweight luggage; no peddling of earphones for sale in the aisle; no additional charges for food or beverage, all of which resulted in a much greater customer experience. A novel idea if you ask me.

A customer relationship is not a transaction. How can you improve your customer’s experience? What can you do to stand apart from your competition that will bring customers back again and again? You must continuously differentiate to stand apart from your competition and dominate your market.

© Shawn Casemore 2013. All rights reserved.

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