Do You Need a Vivid Vision?

Shawn Casemore • No Comment
Posted: January 4, 2016

As I wrote elsewhere, I’m not a fan of the vivid vision concept not because of the power of creating a compelling vision, but because despite the vision being vivid the fact remains that the majority of strategies fail.

As we’ve embarked upon a new year it’s a time when many of CEOs and Executives are assessing their strategy and setting the path for their organization for the coming months and year. In my work with clients in this area we often do create a compelling vision, but more importantly I ensure we spend a considerable amount of time focusing on creating collaborative and compelling actions. After all effective actions are where the rubber hits the road.

In this video I share a few strategies that I use with my clients that you can also introduce, ensuring that whether your vision is vivid or a tad bit blurry, you’ll hit the mark when it comes to achieving your objectives.

For more information on creating a collaborative strategy that is both compelling and realized, check-out chapter four of my new book from McGraw Hill – Operational Empowerment: Collaborate, Innovate and Engage to Beat the Competition. You can grab a copy here.

© Shawn Casemore 2016. All rights reserved.

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