Marketing When the Mood Strikes You?
The importance of strategic marketing should never be minimized.
I was speaking with a client this past week, discussing ways he could find and close more customers.
When I asked about what he did for marketing, he paused.
“Well, we have a website, and we post on Facebook sometimes” was his only response.
Thinking there’d be more, I waited.
There wasn’t.
He was practicing what I call “marketing when the mood strikes you.” Treating marketing as something you do when you remember you need to do it.
Sound familiar?
If that’s how you approach marketing, that’s not good.

Marketing when the mood strikes you, or when you remember you should, is ludicrous. (Source: iStock)
This might have been a good approach 15 or 20 years ago, when the internet was less popular, but today?
Well, let me ask you, how often do you use the internet to search for products or services?
My guess is almost all the time. In fact, the pandemic and lockdowns pushed us to rely even more so on the internet for research and making purchasing decisions.
You’d likely agree as well that younger generations (such as those in their twenties and early thirties) use the internet almost exclusively.
Look, marketing when the mood strikes you, or when you remember you should, is ludicrous.
You Need to be Marketing All the Time
But what does this mean exactly?
Where should you market your product or service? To whom?
What are the best ways to market for your company (that attract leads)?
Is social media really the best way to get in front of your target market?
When it comes to marketing, I’m a fan of being pervasive.
You need to be “everywhere” your ideal customer or client might be seeking your product or service.
If they’re on LinkedIn, you should be too—and be active.
If they read weekly newsletters for tips and strategies—you should be sending one.
If they research for your products or services on Google—they need to find you there when they search.
Does this require time, money, and some effort?
It does. But the results (if done correctly) far outweigh any efforts.
Finding new leads to drive sales isn’t just about prospecting. In a perfect world, potential customers start finding and reaching out to you directly.
You need to attract your ideal customer.
This is the very foundation of building your own Unstoppable Sales Machine (the title of one of my books).
The Importance of Strategic Marketing
By taking a strategic approach to marketing, you can develop a plan that effectively reaches your target audience and generates maximum ROI.
By implementing a well-thought-out marketing strategy, you can gain an edge over your competition and capitalize on opportunities in the marketplace.
Ultimately, the purpose of strategic marketing is to bring sustainable success to your business.
Spend some time this week considering the following questions, and then if you’d like to discuss where to get started on the most effective marketing for your company, just send me a note and we can set up a call.
This Week’s Exercise >>>
- Where are your ideal customers searching for your product or service today?
- Will they find your company, product, or service when they do this search?
- Will it be easy for them to reach or engage with you once they find you?
I put together what I call a Pervasive Marketing Wheel. It identifies all the different ways you might market today to get in front of your ideal customer. If you’d like a copy, send me a note and I’ll send it right over.
© Shawn Casemore 2021. All Rights Reserved
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