Innovation Is Under Your Nose, Can You Smell It?

Shawn Casemore • No Comment
Posted: July 9, 2013

I receive calls almost weekly on businesses and associations seeking help in becoming more Innovative. In virtually all cases, innovation is already present, it just requires some dusting off in order to recognize it.

I recently facilitated a session for a client to help them with unlocking innovative ideas to help them expand their business and I thought it might be valuable to share with you some of the same questions I had them work through during the session.

1. What are the most significant challenges that lie on the horizon for your business today (i.e. emerging markets, new competitors, shifting commodity prices)?

2. What are the most attractive opportunities that exist for your business during the next 36 months (i.e. customers, products, services, markets)?

3. Where are the preponderance of your new ideas and opportunities generated from today (i.e. employees, suppliers, senior management)?

4. How are you capturing these new ideas and opportunities (i.e. spreadsheet, single point of contact)?

5. How successful have you been in the past 36 months at collaborating on the pursuit and implementation of new ideas or opportunities?

By answering these questions a pattern emerges relative to how successful your organization or group is at identifying, capturing and acting upon innovative ideas.

I will expand on the next steps to the process in an upcoming post. Stay tuned.

© Shawn Casemore 2013. All rights reserved.

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