Innovation: Options or missed opportunities?

Shawn Casemore • No Comment
Posted: July 4, 2014

When companies like Zappos, Nike and Google consider how to Innovate, they recognize that new ideas and opportunities exists in droves amongst their employees and networks of suppliers and customers. They also realize however that these ideas are completely lost if they can not be quickly and effectively capitalized upon.

[Tweet “Herein lies the secret to Innovation: Capturing ideas that offer significant value in order to generate endless innovative opportunities. “]

Innovative options are only realized when the ability to harvest ideas is high, and the value of results are also high.

In the visual below I outline the four predominant areas in which organizations find themselves if they are unable to effectively harvest ideas AND generate results that are highly valuable to customers, clients and stakeholders.

The Innovation Opportunity matrix.

Where are you today? How can you move towards more innovative options?

© Shawn Casemore 2014. All rights reserved.

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