Is Your Organization Synchronized?

Shawn Casemore • 1 Comment
Posted: September 14, 2015

You’ve likely heard of the recent research that confirms that happier employees have been scientifically shown to be more productive. This further supports the longstanding notion that engaged employees are more productive (and therefore more desirable) than disengaged employees.

There is a total lack of awareness of the number of disengaged employees that exist in an organization. There is also confusion on how to increase employee engagement.

For some time I’ve been discussing “synchronicity” as a way to create a more logical definition of engagement, because frankly I think the term has been overused and has lost its impact.

[Tweet “Engaged employees are more productive and more desirable then disengaged employees.”]

In this week’s video I share some very pragmatic strategies which you can use to confirm how synchronized your organization is, and how you can further increase synchronicity and in turn have happier, more productive employees.

Sound desirable?

Take a few minutes to watch this week’s video and post your thoughts or comments below. Let’s shift engagement from the conceptual to the practical for your team or organization.

Looking for ideas to further engagement in your organization? If you already have strong engagement but aren’t seeing the productivity you expect grab a copy of my forthcoming book from McGraw Hill entitled “Operational Empowerment: Collaborate, Innovate and Engage to Beat the Competition.” Send me a copy of your receipt and I will send you a second signed copy on release in October of 2015 signed and at no charge.

© Shawn Casemore 2014. All rights reserved.

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