Unstoppable Sales Assessment. Enter your contact information below so we know where to send your Unstoppable Sales Score with our recommendations. First Name Last Name Email Phone Number Leads Your Market Position: 1. How long have you been selling your product/service in your current market? <5 years5-10 years>10 years 2. What percent of market share do you have as compared to your competition? We own the marketWe share the market with several competitorsVery little of the market Differentiation in Your Market: 3. How different is what you offer (in terms of your product or service) from your competitors? Unique - nothing else like it in the market todayDistinct - very few offer what we doCompetitive - we offer something similar to everyone else 4. How different is a prospects experience (with your company) compared to your competitors? Different - We offer a premium experienceAbout the Same as our competitorsI'm not sure Messaging: 5. How effective is your marketing at communicating the value of your offer to potential customers? Highly Effective (and we can prove it)Somewhat Effective (we get a few compliments)We have no marketing assets 6. Do you regularly receive qualified inbound leads (from your marketing assets)? Yes, on a regular basisOccasionally we receive leadsWe don't receive any inbound leads Experience: 7. Do you have a Prospect Journey mapped out for all new leads? Yes we doYes, but we rarely follow itWhat’s a Prospect Journey Map? 8. Does your sales team ensure all prospects follow this journey? Yes, we ensure itI think they doNo (or no, we don’t have a Prospect Journey Map) Methods Strategy: 9. Do you have a current sales strategy in place today that guides your annual sales objectives, targets, and growth? Yes we doNo we don'tWe have sales targets, but no sales strategy 10. How often do you refer to your sales strategy in guiding decisions for hiring, new technology adoption, opening new territories, launching new products or services? All the time (we keep it in front of us during our sales meetings)Annually (we review it annually, and update as required)We don't have a sales strategy Process: 11. Do you regularly review your sales processes and update them with internal and external best practices? Yes - at least quarterlyOnly when necessaryWe don't have documented sales processes (or a sales playbook) 12. Do you have methods in place to monitor how closely your sales team follow your processes? Yes we doNo we don'tWe don't have documented sales processes Technology: 13. Does your sales team use CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software as part of their sales process? Yes they doWe have a CRM, but not everyone uses itWe don't have CRM software (or we have a CRM, but no one uses it) 14. Do you have other (non-CRM) sales enablement software(s) in place to assist sales? Yes we doWe do, but not everyone uses itWhat’s sales enablement software? Targets: 15. How often do you set sales targets for your sales team (individually and collectively)? AnnuallyQuarterlyWe set sales targets informally (or not at all) 16. Is your sales team involved in the process of setting their individual and team sales targets? Yes, they areSomewhatNo they aren't (or we don't set sales targets) Team Leadership: 17. How confident are you in your sales leadership in terms of direction, support, and development? Very ConfidentSomewhat ConfidentNot Confident at all 18. Are your sales leaders effective at coaching and providing feedback to improve your sales teams performance? Yes, they are (and I’ve observed it)Somewhat (or I think they are but can’t prove it)No, they aren't Hiring: 19. How successful have you been previously at hiring strong sales performers who fit your culture and are retained? Highly SuccessfulSomewhat SuccessfulNot successful 20. What is your average retention rate of your top performing sales people? <2 years2-5 years>5 years Onboarding: 21. Do you have an onboarding program for all new sales hires that lasts at least 90 days? Yes we doWe have an onboarding program, but it's shorter than 90 daysWe don't have a formal onboarding program 22. Does your onboarding process include a sales playbook, mentoring and regular assessments? Yes, it doesNo, it does notWe don't have a formal onboarding program Skills: 23. Do you regularly upskill your sales team exposing them to new skills and thinking? Yes - MonthlyYes - AnnuallyNo, (or only when we believe it's necessary) 24. Do you track new skills application on an individual basis and tie directly to compensation? Yes we doSometimesNever - compensation is set during hiring and/or annually