What Kind of Impact Have You Made?

Shawn Casemore • No Comment
Posted: December 28, 2015

I’m presently squirreled away in my office wrapping a few remaining gifts for my wife and two boys as I write this. I thought it important as we embark on the journey towards the end of 2015 to share with you some thoughts around how you should define and measure your personal success from this past year and it’s not tied to how many steps you’ve taken according to your Fitbit or how much money you’ve saved.

Success by any definition is a measure of impact.

Whether this year has exceeded your expectations or been what you might consider a dismal failure, you’ve achieved success if you’ve had an impact on someone or something at some point in time. We all know success isn’t based on money or material things, the reality is in order to be successful we have to aspire to have impact. The good news is each and every one of us can define what impact means to us.

[Tweet “You’ve achieved success if you’ve had an impact on someone or something at some point in time.”]

It may be an impact on our family, on our friends or on our employees. Possibly you’ve saved jobs in a shrinking market or helped your kids learn the joys of nature. Whatever you define as impact, consider the extent to which your impact has had. This is your measure of success.

This year I’ve defined my impact as the ability to broaden the reach of my message through my new book Operational Empowerment. Thanks to you it’s already reached Amazon #1 New Release status twice. For this I am grateful, but in reflection the journey has just began.

As a thank-you for helping me make this book #1 on Amazon and to continue broadening the impact all of my clients and colleagues have shared within it, I wanted to offer to anyone who does a review on Amazon or Barnes and Noble a free electronic PDF version of my book that you can take with you anywhere to read on your smartphone, tablet or laptop. It’s my way of saying thank-you.

Simply send an email to shawn@casemoreandco.com with a link to your review and I’ll send along the PDF version.

As we say good-bye to 2015, reflect on your impact and more importantly, what your impact will be in 2016.

Happy New Year!

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