Why You Should Always Be Prospecting (in 2024!)

Shawn Casemore • No Comment
Posted: March 24, 2021

There is a reason why you should always be prospecting.

It’s a key component of being more proactive in sales.

If you want some level of predictability in your sales, then prospecting is your most important ally. It’s so important, that although you might take a day off from work, you should never take a day off from prospecting.

Sure it can seem like a lot of work. All of the research, then finding new and creative ways to connect with prospects.

The reality is, however, that a business (any business in fact!) is only as successful as it’s ability to generate new customers.

New customers are a result of prospecting.

Why Prospecting is Important in 2023

In this brief video I outline some specific strategies you should deploy in your own efforts.

Providing you with the reasons why they’re so important.

More importantly, where to get started right now.

Take five minutes to watch, and then check out my short checklist of questions below.

If you remember nothing else, remember this…




If you want to sell more strategically, this is the only way.

So what do you do if your prospect isn’t available? Check out these strategies to break through the noise and get their undivided attention.


Your Exercise:

1. What are the best ways by which you can connect with your customers today?

2. What changes or improvements should you make to how you prospect?

3. How will you ensure time dedicated to prospecting remains a priority over everything else?

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© Shawn Casemore 2022. All Rights Reserved.

why you should always be prospecting

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