Bo Knows Satisfaction

Shawn Casemore • No Comment
Posted: April 7, 2014

I recently watched a biography on Bo Jackson during a flight to Edmonton. Raised by a single mother in a family of ten, Bo’s upbringing was less than glamorous, with he and his siblings surviving off what can only be described as a pittance. In the area where Bo lived many other families were in a very similar situation, and as teenagers, many of Bo’s friends turned to violence and crime as a means of attaining money. Despite the temptation this brought, Bo instead chose to satisfy himself by focusing on his passion for sports.

Although cut short by a career debilitating hip injury, Bo’s record breaking career as both a professional football and baseball player helped him to reach levels of success that others can only dream of. The reason? Bo’s ability to identify with and connect his talents and capacity with his passion.

Are you satisfied with your career? If not, ask yourself, does your career connect your talents, capacity and passion? What if you could make these connections and form a rewarding and satisfying career just as Bo did, despite the odds and obstacles that exist? What would this mean to your lifestyle, your attitude, your future?

Moreover what if you could help your employees make these same connections? How would this impact productivity, morale and profitability?

I’ve used the following questions with my coaching clients to help them assess how they can make this connection for themselves and their employees. Take a moment and reflect upon your own answers:

1. What do I enjoy spending my time doing outside of time with my family and friends?
2. What have other people told me I am good at?
3. What do I feel most comfortable doing while at work?
4. Are there other people doing something that I wish I were doing? How might I approach them to discuss?

Time is finite, and we only get one chance to make a touchdown. Doesn’t it make sense then to build a business, team or department that connects talents, capacity and passion? The reward will be greater than the investment. Just ask Bo, he knows.

© Shawn Casemore 2014. All rights reserved.

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