Employee Engagement steps for leaders

Shawn Casemore • 2 Comment
Posted: February 6, 2014

Although there are numerous strategies contained in this blog that will help you to increase employee engagement, I’m often asked for some proven tangible examples. Having interviewed dozens of leaders for my book the Unstoppable Organization, I’ve learned that the most effective employee engagement happens when improvement is the outcome. Put differently, leaders of Unstoppable Organizations use what I call “productive engagement”.

Productive Engagement

To develop productive engagement requires little more then engaging employees in continuous improvement. Once employees see benefits from the investment of their time and efforts, they become engaged.

Below are several steps shared during an interview as an approach to building employee engagement:

1. Entice ongoing input from employees and acknowledge it when it comes.

2. Look for connections between change initiatives and employee needs. Present changes in the form of satisfying employee needs.

3. An employee based “board” reviews employee ideas to determine which will be introduced or implemented.

4. All employees are heard. Encourage those who are quiet, guide those who are not so quiet.

5. Recognize that employee ideas have more merit and traction then board or management initiated ideas.

How can you deploy these steps amongst your team? What methods do you have to integrate these into your daily routines.

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