Begin With The End In Mind for Growth

Shawn Casemore • No Comment
Posted: December 2, 2016

They say that you must always begin with the end in mind. When it comes to growing a business, be it a privately held or multi-national firm there comes a time in every CEO or Executive’s career when they face the decision to pursue a merger, to acquire a competitor or simply to sell and exit the business. In this episode of Growth Inspired I have the good fortune of interviewing Constance Dierickx who has specialized in supporting leaders in merger and acquisition transactions for decades. Constance’s candid advice provides for some unique insights into how to build and position a business for successful growth while still keeping the end goal in mind.

What you’ll hear in this episode:

  • Learn more about Constance and her areas of expertise
  • Constance’s key areas of focus for growing your business and bringing companies together
  • What is the “inside-out, outside-in” look at your company
  • How to strategically eliminate “baggage”
  • Why you need to balance your time between internal and external operations

For more information about Constance and to access the resources mentioned in the podcast visit her website at You can also connect with her on Twitter.

[Tweet “As a leader you are a tool; it’s not just what you say, it’s what you do. ~ Constance Dierickx”]

[Tweet “Know the differentiated value your organization can bring to it’s customers ~ Constance Dierickx”]

© Shawn Casemore 2016. All rights reserved.

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