Is Summer Slowing Down Your Business Performance?

Shawn Casemore • No Comment
Posted: August 7, 2015


Has the summer slowed down your performance? Are you thinking and acting at a pace that is not up to par with your expectations of yourself? What about your managers or your team?

Summer has a way, similar to Christmas, of slowing us all down. “Smell the roses” they say, “Take some time to yourself.” My philosophy is that there will be plenty of time to slow down and smell the roses once I’m dead. Seriously.

[Tweet “There are many who are relying on you to support them so slowing down is never a good idea.”]

If you have fallen into the trap of slowing down, here are a few ideas to help you (and your team) break-out of the summer slow-down and propel to higher levels of performance.

1. Refocus your strategy. Where are you at currently with your strategic objectives? Where are the obstacles? What are logical next steps to keep your strategy moving forward?

2. Reconnect with customers. When was the last time anyone outside of sales (yourself included) reached out to several customers to understand how you might improve and contribute better value? Pickup the phone and start making calls.

3. Reinvigorate your employees. Find new ways to reinvigorate your employees and increase their productivity, which will in turn impact the entire organization. You can learn several ideas here (link to previous blog) or you can join my free webinar on August 14th at 12:00pm EST. Watch our for registration.

There are still several weeks remaining in the summer and by no means am I wishing them away (where I live when summer leaves cold weather arrives!). I am suggesting however that you need to re-ignite your passion, enthusiasm and energy by taking action in the very areas that propel your business if you plan to have a strong fourth quarter.

Then again you could just go fishing…that’s sure to help grow your business!

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