Shawn’s Friday Five: Five tips to improve your effectiveness.

Shawn Casemore • No Comment
Posted: August 3, 2012

In light of a significant amount of travel as of late, here are five quick tips to help you be more effective while traveling (for business or pleasure).

1. A GPS as my life line: I have a GPS that I carry throughout my travels regardless of my ultimate destination. Using a GPS or Navigation cut’s my travel preparation time down by at least 95%, and in some cases makes me look like a hero in front of my wife (but don’t tell her I mentioned it!).

2. Stay at nice hotels: Early in my career I would stay at a lesser hotel to save a few bucks, but for the sake of $100 to $150 (per night) I slept on a less comfortable mattress; I had to pay for internet and parking; and I had to drive somewhere to get a decent meal. Invest in your rest and stay at a hotel that stretches your budget but relaxes your demeanor. You deserve it!

3. Take food. There have been weeks where I have only eaten at home once or twice (a home cooked meal can taste like heaven after a string of restaurants). Taking some fruit along for the trip can go a long way to maintaining a high level of energy and more importantly washes away the restaurant food pasties.

4. Music is essential. I watch TV on Friday evening’s if at all, but I just can’t get along without music. In the car; taking a walk; in a hotel room; music is what keeps my energy up and my mood positive. (An iPhone is a necessary tool of my trade.)

5. Photo’s are secondary only to music. I take photo’s throughout my travels and share them in a variety of means. Photo’s help others connect with where we are and what we are engaged in. (Interestingly an iPhone handles this quite nicely as well.)

© Shawn Casemore 2012. All rights reserved.

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