Strategy Gap: From energy to outcomes

Shawn Casemore • No Comment
Posted: May 14, 2014

Do you recall the first time you were ever called into the bosses office to discuss a promotion, a raise or maybe just to get your ideas on how to improve the business?

Most of us have experienced this at some point or another in our career, and the excitement and anticipation that follows is very similar to that which most feel following a successful strategy retreat (the key word here being “successful”).

In general, most individuals who participate in a strategy formulation or retreat leave on a high, excited about new ideas, the envisioned future and the ability to be part of something bigger than they.

Unfortunately however this level of energy can, and often does diminish quickly if not nurtured and directed appropriately.

In this brief video I discuss the crucial steps to transitioning this energy into action.  As you watch, note the number of ideas you can apply to your next strategy session.

[Tweet “Energy precedes outcomes.”]

I’m curious, what other ideas do you have to overcome the strategy gap based on your experience?

© Shawn Casemore 2014. All rights reserved.


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