Successful CEOs Maintain The Right Frame Of Health

Shawn Casemore • No Comment
Posted: March 14, 2016

It struck me recently that some of the most confident, passionate and successful CEOs and Executives that I know are physically active, despite the many demands and pressures placed on their time. In fact, when I tested this hypothesis I found that there is a strong co-relation between physical and mental health. Specifically, being committed to physical health results in the ability to think clearly, sustain higher levels of energy and reduce stress.

Sounds like a magic pill I realize, but the co-relation is something that any serious CEO simply can’t ignore.

In this week’s brief video I explore this idea further, sharing examples and ideas of how to build a stronger “physical frame of health” that will in turn yield a stronger frame of mind.

[Tweet “If you’re not physically fit, you won’t be around long enough to enjoy the fruits of your labour.”]

Every successful CEO should make sure they read my new book Operational Empowerment. Sure this might seem like a bias on my part ;o), but it has been framed by my publisher as a CEOs playbook. Grab your copy here and let me know your thoughts. I’d love to hear your feedback.

© Shawn Casemore 2016. All rights reserved.

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