Are you looking for ways to generate more customer leads?
When it comes to increasing sales, there are thousands of so-called experts out there. For most, the focus is to generate more qualified leads.
More customer leads that should be ready and willing to buy, versus close more sales.
After all, if you are good at what you do, offer, or produce, most often the sale is quite straightforward.
However, generating leads isn’t necessarily easy.
Really, aside from a spreadsheet and Google, there are several indirect ways to generate more leads that will in turn boost sales that many business owners and entrepreneurs don’t consider.
Generate More Customer Leads: 3 (Super Simple) Ways

Here are three of the most effective ways our members have shared that work for them to consistently generate qualified leads that are ready to buy:
1. Get Your Employees T-Shirts
Yes, I’m serious.
I find it interesting that a decade ago, it was quite common to provide employees with a coat or shirt bearing the company logo.
Nowadays, we seem to have resorted to drink cozies and cellphone covers.
Personally, I’m not sure, but I can tell you many entrepreneurs and business owners are missing out on a key opportunity for new sales. Anything worn in public that solicits a response from potential customers is an opportunity to sell.
2. Arm Your Employees With Scripts
Why leave your employee hanging when it comes to what they should say to a potential customer?
When you consider how many employees connect with your existing and potential customers each and every day, suddenly it will become apparent that there are opportunities to sell around every corner.
From your accounts receivable clerk to your receptionist.
If employees understand what to say when speaking with existing or potential customers, odds are they will be able to provide leads and a steady stream of customers ready to hear about your latest product, service, or offer.
3. Ask Your Employees for Leads
One of the best opportunities for leads are from your employees.
Other than explaining to your employees (often only once) exactly the type of customers you want to work with, the investment of time is near zero.
Just tell employees the kinds of customers your company best suits, and ask them to provide any opportunities they come across.
It can be a name on a truck with a phone number during the morning commute, or a company they got a business card from at the local home show.
If you ask employees to help and tell them what you are looking for, they will be more than willing to send leads your way.
Bonus: Generate More Customer Leads Through Social Media!
One of our members mentioned they tested this and the results were phenomenal:
Hold a customer appreciation day. It can be a tour of your facility, a BBQ, or just a “stop by to see us“ type of event.
Once any promotional materials are made and a date is set, promote the event on social media and ask all of your employees to share the company event with their network.
The reach will be expansive (and at no cost to you!).
Then, before the big day, simply round up your employees and ask for their help in finding new customers among the crowd, as well as asking existing customers for introductions to anyone they might suggest connecting with.
This turns a customer appreciation day into an effective way to generate leads and find new and qualified customers, all at the price of some pop and hotdogs!
What ideas have you found to indirectly generate more customer leads?
© Shawn Casemore 2019. All Rights Reserved.
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