Is the New Year Your Year to be Bold?

Shawn Casemore • No Comment
Posted: January 12, 2017

I’ve spent much of my time in this last month with several clients whom I coach and advise helping them to develop and instantiate their plans for growth and development in the coming year. What’s been interesting about many of these discussions is that an individual’s inability to achieve their goals in previous years has less to do with their commitment and more to do with level of tenacity.

Put another way personal growth and development results from being bold more so than being committed. As they saying goes “less talk, more action.”

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As I presume growth and development is on your mind as well, I wanted to share with you ten ideas I’ve been discussing with my clients to help them increase their boldness for the coming year:

  1. Don’t worry so much about thinking up new ideas on your own, but instead be aware of and more open to the ideas of others.
  1. Speak with brutal honesty while still being respectful of others.
  1. Don’t worry how you make others feel, instead consider the extent to which you make them think.
  1. Be fanatical about creating new paradigms by challenging what has been in place for what might be.
  1. Consider whether you need someone outside of your usual network to challenge how you think. I’ve had a mentor for nearly a decade and rarely have I departed our discussions without having challenged my own beliefs.
  1. Challenge others to speak their minds when around you. A community of bold leaders will inspire you to be increasingly bold yourself.
  1. Don’t dismiss a simple idea. Sometimes the best ideas are too obvious to explore.
  1. Be purposeful in your actions. Explain to others why you are doing something and listen not to their response, but to how purposeful your mission sounds.
  1. Take your goals and objectives, both personally and professionally and multiply them by 10. What does this do to change your mindset about what’s actually possible?
  1. Tell others that “you are making some bold moves in the new year.” Provide them warning of what’s to come, but also reaffirm your commitment by telling others what you are doing.

If you want to see dramatic results, you’re going to have to make bold moves. Do you want more ideas on being bold? Click here.

© Shawn Casemore 2014. All rights reserved.

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