Four Practical Tips To Build A Legacy

Shawn Casemore • No Comment
Posted: June 2, 2016

Are you building and running a business or are you creating a scaleable, sustainable legacy?

Creating and running a business means paying the bills and reaping additional investment if you’re good at it, but building a legacy means so much more than that. A legacy has staying power. Through a strong brand, it survives long after it’s originator has gone.

I know several business owners who have a business and spend each day grinding just to pay the bills, but building a legacy offers much more than a pay check. It’s multi-faceted and offers variety.

Legacies are built and operated by highly optimistic and enthusiastic leaders. Their visions are often much broader than most people can fathom – Richard Branson’s vision of space travel is an example that comes to mind.

Which of the two scenarios sound more appealing and exciting to you?

There is nothing wrong with either, but the latter has staying power that will serve to support your family and community for generations to come.

What does it take to build the legacy rather than just a business? Here are 4 practical tips:

  • Focus on your strengths. There is nothing that will zap the life out of you faster than spending significant time doing what you don’t like doing.
  • Invest time in practicing these strengths while finding ways to incorporate other resources to support the necessary but less exciting tasks.
  • Create your vision for the future. If you don’t have a vision how will you ever create the future you desire?
  • Have a strategy to achieve your objectives and schedule time each week to work on them.
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Growing a legacy is a result of being passionate and enthusiastic about what you do and in turn instilling that very passion in the employees, contractors and customers that you interact with and serve.

Learn how to becoming the empowered leader you need to be to build this vision in my book from McGraw Hill entitled “Operational Empowerment: Collaborate, Innovate and Engage to Beat the Competition”. 

© Shawn Casemore 2015. All rights reserved.

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