Have you ever tried to use emotional intelligence to make more sales?
You’ve likely heard of the term IQ (dating back to your days in public school), but what about EQ?
The term was first introduced by Peter Salavoy and John Mayer in an article titled “Emotional Intelligence.”
They theorized that Emotional Intelligence, that is the ability to recognize and manage one’s emotions in positive ways, was an effective tool for communication.
In his book “Emotional Intelligence” Daniel Goleman wrote of how the term as a leadership tool.
Daniel noted that being able to recognize and use one’s emotions in positive ways can assist with stronger employee engagement.
(EQ) Emotional Intelligence in Sales

If EQ can help us engage with employees, then the same holds true for our customers.
Considering sales result from engaging in conversation to build trust and rapport, then EQ is an obvious tool of the trade.
Unfortunately, however, not many sales professionals ever consider their own emotional state or that of their prospect.
The goal is often to “get the sale,” rather than “make a strong emotional connection.”
That is where EQ comes in as a tool for being more proactive in sales.
If we tune into our emotions and that of our prospects, we are better prepared to navigate the conversation, creating more meaningful outcomes.
Just another method to strengthen our sales mindset.
In this week’s Sell More with Casemore video, I discuss exactly how to introduce EQ into the sales process.
Increase Your Sales with Emotional Intelligence
EQ is proven to build stronger emotional connections, which in turn support rapid development of trust and rapport.
How can you incorporate Emotional Intelligence into your sales process?
If the idea of EQ is new, I’d strongly recommend Daniel Goleman’s book mentioned above.
Then consider how you can use EQ to have more meaningful conversations.
You’ll find sales come faster and easier as a result!
© Shawn Casemore 2022. All Rights Reserved.
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